The Republicans in Congress are stalling on voting on the confirmation of Loretta Lynch, a candidate with wide bi-partisan support who had breezed through her hearings, as the new Attorney General.
The reason for this obstruction is refusal by Democrats to consider a bill on human trafficking (also one with broad bi-partisan support) because a hidden anti-women’s health care funding provision was snuck into the fine print of the bill. A specific rider banning government funding of these services was inserted into the text of the bill by Republican legislators at the last minute.
What does this have to do with human trafficking, you say? Could victims of human trafficking, particularly those who were victims of the sex trade, possibly require reproductive health care, perhaps even an abortion?
So what is the final result of this legislative maneuvering? Eric Holder will remain Attorney General for a while longer. Brilliant!
The Gentlemen Of Property hate Mr Holder almost as much as they despise Barack Obama (I wonder why). At this rate, Eric Holder (who is eager to leave government service) might remain as AG for the remainder of the Obama Administration. Another example of the Conservative circular firing squad shooting itself in the foot (if you don’t mind me mixing my metaphors).
What is wrong with these people? Not only are they mean, they’re stupid as well.