This recipe came from a local radio show. I had to pull off to the side of the road to write it down. Any large, heavy meal benefits from this little dish. It refreshes the palate, and leaves nothing behind but a little tang. We’ve had it at holiday dinners for two years now, and everyone loves it.
To serve, it’s best to cut the rings up into bit-sized pieces.
1 can pineapple rings in juice
apple cider vinegar
stick cinnamon
Drain pineapple; measure juice & put it in a saucepan. Put pineapple in a glass or plastic container with a lid.
Measure out the same amount of sugar and vinegar as pineapple juice. Put both in the pan with the juice & stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add 1 or 2 cinnamon sticks (1 for a small can). Bring juice mixture to a boil; reduce to simmer, uncovered, for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly. While still warm, pour over pineapple rings, so fruit is submerged. Include cinnamon sticks. Cover container; refrigerate for at least 2 days.
Or you could start with pineapple chunks instead of cutting it up.
True! The rings take less time to drain. Depends where you want your advantage.
True! The rings take less time to drain. Depends where you want your advantage.