A good radar site to watch the weather here.
You can click on a spot to get a local radar screen, ...
Thanks, TB. Great site.
Thanks, TB. Great site.
- Some of my earliest memories (in KC) are of the picture on the TV warning of tornados and going to ...
- There was some stuff up in Minneapolis too, but it sounds like it wasn't anywhere near my sister. Take care of ...
- Take care Eri. We had some house-rattling thunder here last night but were otherwise lucky. I know what you mean ...
I am so sorry Eri.
You may be getting some of this shit tonight. Be careful.
You may be getting some of this shit tonight. Be careful.
Keep in touch, Eri, and let us know how you are doing. And I hope everyone you know is ...
Yes, the weather has been worse, more violent and more frequent. They're blaming it on El Nino but I ...
Tornadoes and climate
He's full of shit. I'd laugh if the subject weren't so serious. I've heard meteorologists and other experts ...
- "Harold Brooks, research meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma." But hey, ...
He's full of shit. I'd laugh if the subject weren't so serious. I've heard meteorologists and other experts ...
Tornadoes and climate
Yes, the weather has been worse, more violent and more frequent. They're blaming it on El Nino but I ...